Gillian O’Connell
Senior Consultant
Gillian is focused on the role and functioning of innovation and sectors in places and developing new ways to understand local economies.
She has experience working across our service areas, particularly strategy development and has worked extensively with public and private sector clients focused on understanding and developing innovation, sectors, and clusters. She is an experienced analyst with strong quantitative and qualitative research skills and particular strengths developing robust new approaches to answer new or challenging questions.
Her recent work includes research on how changes to the world of work are impacting leaders in the cultural sector, a report for the Science and Technology Facilities Council exploring the case for supporting the Advanced Materials sector in the North of England and a set of baseline studies of local innovation and enterprise ecosystems in different parts of the UK.
Prior to joining Metro Dynamics Gillian completed a Masters in Applied Economic (Public Policy and Development) at the Paris School of Economics, during which she worked on several projects focused on understanding policy impact.
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