April Grossman


April is a skilled analyst, undertaking detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis across projects. April joined Metro Dynamics after completing an M.Sc. degree in Local Economic Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her dissertation focused on discourses of the “Urban/Rural Divide” with respect to poverty in the U.S. prior to the 2016 election, and what these discourses reflect in terms of the priorities of urban and rural places. As part of her degree, April examined the relative advantages of place-based vis-à-vis spatially blind policies for economic development, completed studies on improving housing conditions and reducing homelessness as an inclusive growth strategy in big-tech cities, and explored how to encourage economies to foster a high-skills equilibrium through education and skills training programs.

Whilst completing her undergraduate degree, April worked as an Investor Relations Associate for an affordable housing non-profit, generating monthly investment impact reports demonstrating the loan fund’s performance across several data indicators. April’s undergraduate degree focused on in-depth policy research, conducting cost-benefit analyses of policy options, and creating policies to address economic inequality. Some of April’s interests include inclusive growth, housing policy, and job retraining and upskilling.